Sunday, November 20, 2005
RG stands for Relative Grading which is what we follow here in SPJCM. Relative Grading can be both a boon and a bane. RG in essence means that your success is my failure. Sounds crude doesn't it? But, there are many major followers of RG and I will WITHOUT taking names showcase some of the biggest RG followers.
1) Biggest of them all: This guy is known to have switched off alarms of his villa mates so that they don't get up early in the morning to study. He has even hidden handouts of people so that they dont do their pre-readings for the class next day. This guy is known to psyche people out by shouting war like cries before the exams. He was once given a taste of his own medicine when once a guy went and woke him up around 3 am and said, "Hey, 5 minutes before the bus leaves." This guy then ran and brushed his teeth changed and found dat almost everyone was sleeping and then looked at the clock to find it was 3.10 am and no prizes for guessing, he was stark raving mad!!!
2) Smart Player: This guy belongs to the nerdy world of IT. On a recent visit to the American University at Sharjah to understand their IT infrastructure, he is known to have promised people that he would take the notes and send it to them. The assignment has been already submitted and people are still waiting for his notes to arrive by mail.
More to follow .... watch this space!!!! ;)
Friday, November 11, 2005
Applications started
Here is some gr8 news for you all. The applications has started . You can apply online here
Wishing you all the best of luck with your applications!!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Life @ SPJCM
Get up at 6.00 am after you have half murdered your alarm clock by pressing the snooze button repeatedly. Move to the bathroom in a daze and perform your tasks mechanically. Operations is best learnt here, when you begin to multitask a lot of things. Eat while getting dressed. And rush to make it to the 7.00am bus.
Classes begin at 8.00am and go on sometimes till late in the evening. Lunch is touched upon in between. And life begins after the classes, when you do your pre reads for the next day, finish assignments and manage to just scrape through the deadline, prepare for the tests and so on. Often it goes on into the wee hours of the morning, when we finally retire to bed.
It really depends on your outlook, some call this work, some call it nirvana and some others call it fun. But it is always a lot of fun in retrospect. When you start putting in 18 hours a day studying, attending classes, doing assignments, organising guest lectures, reading up on current affairs and the economy in general. The value addition is immense, you start living more number of hours extracting the most out of every minute.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Our Comprehensive Exams have begun
Our Comprehensive Exams have begun, so you all of us are busy most of us would be going to India, so we will try and keep this updated.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Desert Rock Festival

A medley of thought assortions. Here goes .. Mood Indigo Arka 4 days 4 nights Parikrama Sumedha Vinayak IIT Powai Pachu Praket my first rock concert Aaakash Euphoria quizzes quizzes quizzes Ustad Amjad Ali Khan. I think I’d better stop.
The Desert Rock Festival here in Knowledge Village just transported me back in time and the trip wove the above mentioned threads into a feeling of ‘good old days’. Anyways a welcome change for everyone … from the die hard heavy metal jingoists like me to the philanderers and flirters. There was a LOT to be ogled
Two great bands. Mannikind ( good name ) and Death of Eighty ( well .. ummm .. ). I liked the former which eventually won. I personally would rate them much better than most of the Indian bands. Before the winners were announced a famous Dubai band whose name I could not quite comprehend performed a couple of numbers which had me floored. The vocalist was a taklu wearing black glasses and reminded me of R.E.M vocalist. These dudes played two original tracks “Please be my pain” and “Cause and Effect” … great songs .. not at all heavy. They were more like Metallica doing ‘Nothing Else Matters’.
Monday, August 29, 2005
The Thirteen Days
She beleives in not teaching theories but in learning from watching. So what did we do in her lecture, we saw a movie ... yea a movie .... It was fun sitting with all my classmates ( all 65 of us ) it became a mini theater and your's truly was asked to man the projector ( the laptop ).
You may say, ok cut the crap and tell me which movie you guys saw? Ok, without digressing further we saw a movie called " The Thirteen Days " ... no it is not like the Anil Kapoor starrer ' Woh Saath Din '. I am too lazy and short of time to give you a synopsis, you can read the synopsis, reviews and ratings here.
It is an excellent movie and I have got a copy of it and I will watch it many times, many not with the analytical bent of mind that I saw the movie for the first time. I always wondered why JFK was so popular, what was that quality in him that made him America's most popular president and crowned the Kennedy's as the First political family of the US of A. This movie was awe inspiring. I mean you have 13 days remaining for you to decide what you want to do and how to abort the prospects of World War III ( read the synopsis, dont be too lazy :p )
It's a movie any person who is interested in knowing how to deal with people. I mean tell me what would you do when most of your advisors suggest you to go to war, but u believe that you should give peace a chance.
I am not going to break the suspense go and watch the movie, trust me you will love it!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Welcome to SPJCM!!!
The culture is that the students are here to work hard and the college firmly believes in ensuring that students work their asses off. It's a given. A constant
As all students in different colleges we do whine! and then you hear this phrase called "Welcome to SPJCM". Since then it has become kind of a joke amongst the students here. Someone says this is unfair man, how does the college expect us to do this... blah blah blah.... someone will say, "Welcome to SPJCM".
Not just to remind the other person but it is also a reminder for your own self that you can't whine, just get on with it.
At a certain level you find that there is some sense in this. Because in the corporate world you cannot whine, you simply cannot.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Oasis of SPJCM
Just like the roses need the rain,
The artist needs the pain,
We need our game.
Yes my friends the chill out zone is our OASIS in this stressed out B-School environment. It has something for everyone who wants to escape the rat race that seems to be heating up with every passing day. The sports man has his TT racquet to release all his anger and frustration on the TT ball (the reason why the balls are cracking up so fast!). For some just hitting the ball is not enough so they go ahead and vent their anger on the racquet itself. So at the end of one month we have three broken racquets (which need to be replaced ASAP).
The chill out zone is also the meeting place of the Mattress Club.
These are the students who have permanent residency on the couches and mattress in between classes. Here they catch up on their sleep and refresh themselves for the upcoming classes. These people have the unique ability of sleeping in the middle of chaos (I am on my way to mastering this ability). It is complete chaos when a TT match is in progress and specially when there are people waiting for their turn to come. But the Mattress Club simply shuts itself to the sound and enters dreamland.
The non members (mattress club) have only one comment to make about the chill out zone.
"IT STINKS. How can people sleep in there?"
If only they knew that the smell hits you only for a short while and if you can fight that then you open the doors to NIRVANA.

"No pain no gain".
The chill out zone is also our TV room for most of the students who have not yet used this facility you are missing out on 1/3rd of the recreation facility that is being provided to us. So make full use of it. I think the comedy channel is a real De-stresser and should be viewed by all.
To summarize, if we did not have the chill out zone, MBA would have been a tougher ball game. So drink to your hearts content at the SPJCM oasis.
Thru my i's
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Hello World
The first question that may come to your mind is who are these people? Well we are students,currently pursuing our MBA at S P Jain Center of Management, Dubai. We have set out to chronicle our lives here. We hope that it makes for an interesting read.
If you are a prospective applicant here, then you should certainly be going through this for a bird's eye view of SPJCM.
We hope that when the next batch takes over, they will take over the mantle of maintaining and updating this blog. But for one year you are stuck with us or possibly those who may wish to join us at a later stage.
We will try and make you laugh, think and maybe (we certainly hope not) make you wonder whether the purpose of doing a MBA is to make sure that other MBA's understand you and vice versa.
Venkatesh Sridhar
Kanishka Agiwal
Purnima Jagtiani
Manish Mahajan
Pooja Arora
Anirudh Pachisia
P.S:- Henceforth credit for all common posts will go to the team. Individual posts will have the names of the author.