A sneak peek for the world outside into the ways of life at S P Jain Centre of Management at
It is now a little more than two months since we landed in
A typical day begins at
Classes are a completely different story though. The exhaustion and rustiness suddenly vanish into thin air as we hear of ‘surprise Pre-class Quiz.’ Post Quiz, we get to see some ‘excellent Class Participation (CP)’ which in some cases borders on Desperate CP to earn some brownie points. At this point, we must add that the faculty flown in from SP Jain Mumbai does a commendable job of teaching us and more importantly keeping us awake through their interactive sessions.
Typically classes end by
Hey Wait! You thought this is it? Boy! This is just the beginning. In fact, the real fun starts now! For now comes the Herculean task of completing the pending assignments, presentations and reports due for the next day… And by the time you leave the institute to head back home (the villas), it’s already 11:30 PM. You can’t leave any later for that is the last bus. But that is just an interval in the long movie on our typical day. In the villas too, it is not abnormal to see people discussing and studying until 1.30 or later. Thereafter you crash into the bed and flake out into oblivion…
A few more such days and we hit a weekend, full of hope for recharging our batteries. Our weekend is Sunday & Monday, the two days dedicated for the Special Group Project (SGP) with companies like Microsoft, TCS, Infosys, Emirates Bank and many others.
Truly, time just seems to fly by. We’re two months old cohort and we’ve just three more months left before we end our tryst with
Nothing seems to have changed. Feels like yesterday that we went thru the same as you are today. Enjoy and make merry. They will be your best times for a long time to come.
that's awesome, hemant
mmm...same old cheesy stuff... get over it man...
this is a replica of what we used to do. Brings a smile onto my face when I read it. This will be the times you would always remember and treasure.
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