Slumdog Millionaire @ Cathay – 21st February 2009
Last Saturday, we had an excellent movie event at Grand Cathay. The 20+ of us met at the Cathay Lounge at 9pm for Coffee, Tea and Snacks, sponsored by Cathay Group, with arrangements made by Ahmad Juan (our EMBA student who works for Cathay). Thanks Ahmad!
We then proceeded to the cinema hall at 9.30pm. As expected the movie was excellent and we were seated in the last 3 rows in a full cinema hall. After the movie, we said our goodbyes and departed. All agreed it was an excellent movie and made memorable by the gathering prior to the movie. Be on the lookout for announcements as we’ll have more such events.
Pulau Ubin Trip - 15th February 2009
The previous Sunday, we had our 2nd trip to Pulau Ubin. This time, we chartered a bus, and as expected left campus late – this time by only 15 minutes. We reached Changi Village at 9.35pm, and everyone split up to have breakfast, buy snacks and visit the Sri Ramar temple. And surprise, surprise! Everyone had gathered by 10.15am to take the boat to Pulau Ubin. We reached the island at 10:40am, proceeded to rent out bicycles and hit the road. It was an excellent ride around the island with most of the island having paved roads now. A new addition that was challenging was the Ketam Mountain Bike Park. We hiked up (by foot) to get a clear view of the beautiful Ubin Quarry Lagoon. Part of the group returned at 2pm, while the others explored the island by cycle and foot with the juniors returning at 3.30pm and the seniors much later.
1 comment:
Hi Ankit... there i sno updates...You guys have stop bolgging....
GMBA Dec 06
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